COVID-19 Update
COVID-19 Update to Customers and Vendors
BOSS LTG, Inc. is reaching out to you today to assure you that we are actively monitoring the risks posed by the Coronavirus (COVID-19) to our people and the communities in which we live and operate across the nation. We also want to ask our Customers and Vendors for your continued support in keeping our collective community as safe as possible from this unique and evolving threat.
We are recommending to BOSS LTG, Inc. staff that if they have any respiratory symptoms, such as cough, shortness of breath, or fever, please stay at home and contact their personal physician.
Do not return to work until cleared by their physician and have called in to work to verify they can return.
There is currently no vaccine to prevent COVID-19 or medications approved to treat it. The best way to prevent illness is to minimize the potential for exposure in the first place. Personal hygiene, such as handwashing and coughing etiquette should be meticulously practiced, as it remains an effective means of limiting transmission. Additionally, BOSS is working closely with local, state, and national officials to ensure the safety of our people and continued safe operations. We commit to notifying any affected Customer and Vendors partners if BOSS LTG, Inc. experiences either a confirmed COVID-19 case or close contact case at any of the respective BOSS LTG, Inc. facilities that you support while strictly following privacy laws.
Protecting Our Facilities
Inform BOSS LTG, Inc. (at any BOSS Facility…) immediately if your Employee or Vendor staff falls within one of the three categories:
- Individual tests positive for COVID-19.
- Individual has come into close contact with someone who has a suspected or confirmed case of COVID-19. Close contact defined as within 6 feet of a person confirmedto have COVID-19.
- Individual has travelled from any country listed on the CDC’s Level 3 Travel Health Notice within the past 14 days.
Communication should be handled either over the phone or via other electronic submission, so isolation and decontamination procedures can be activated in the affected areas, if necessary. Your first points of contact will be the BOSS LTG, Inc., your Contract Holder, and Vendor Contract Owner. Provide the current location of the individual, the shop location in which the individual usually works, and a list of individuals with whom the person of interest has been in close contact within the past 24 hours. If the individual is symptomatic or a confirmed COVID-19 case, contact tracing will need to date back to when the person of interest started showing symptoms. We may request additional information in order to enable BOSS LTG to take appropriate measures to protect Site personnel and Customers.
The reporting process for BOSS LTG, Inc.:
- Contact BOSS LTG, Inc. President or Management Staff. It is crucial that we all work together to demonstrate care for our people and mitigate the impact to our businesses and operations. The situation is dynamic and changing daily. We ask that lines of communication be kept open so that we can immediately understand and respond to major disruptions anticipated or experienced. BOSS LTG, Inc. will continue to work with you to monitor this situation on a routine basis.
We greatly appreciate the role that you play in helping us maintain a safe working environment across our facilities and thank you in advance for your efforts to assist us in actively managing this risk to our people.
Thank you, and stay safe,